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East Ward Community Primary School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud


Willow Street, Bury, BL9 7QZ

0161 764 6065


Attendance at East Ward

At East Ward, we work in partnership with parents and carers to ensure children attend school regularly and are punctual to school.  It is the expectation of our school community that children will be in school every day that it is open, unless there are exceptional circumstances which have led to an absence being authorised.

Our target for attendance for all pupil groups is ‘at least 97%’.

We firmly believe that when children are in school every day and on time,  this is reflected in good progress being made in the classroom and will give children the best possible opportunity to succeed and achieve in our school.

Please click here to read our Attendance Policy for further information.

Studybugs App 

East Ward Community School uses a new, more efficient and secure system for reporting your child’s absence due to illness. It is an App based software, called Studybugs. 

You will also be able to report an absence directly via the school website by clicking on the attendance tab – Studybugs and report. 

You will only be required to ring school should there be any errors with the app or website.  We are hoping this will make attendance more manageable and reporting much more efficient.   The guidance in the App should be read alongside our own individual attendance policy. 

We ask that you download the free Studybugs App following the link below and use it to inform us whenever possible about your child’s absence.